Can UV Disinfection Robots Be Used in Hospitals?

Reeman UV disinfection robot for hospital
UVC Robot

Hospitals are currently swamped with more patients than they can handle, so keeping things as clean and sanitized as they should be can often take time and effort. However, one innovation that’s recently come to light is the UV disinfection robot. This type of robot can kill all germs and bacteria in a room using the power of ultraviolet light. We think a UV disinfection robot would be a wonderfully helpful addition to any hospital!

UV disinfection robots are designed to eliminate any bacteria and viruses they encounter. In a post-pandemic world, these robots are more than necessary, especially in hospitals. A lot of sick people pass through healthcare facilities, meaning any lapse in disinfection protocols could end up leading to the spread of life-threatening diseases like Covid-19, and Reeman’s Sword 1 UVC disinfection robot, equipped with a PHILIPS UV-C light source, achieved an inactivation rate of over 99.9999% for Covid-19.

This article will discuss the importance of using UV disinfection robots in hospitals, including how they work and their unique features. Read on to find out more!

Reeman UV disinfection robots
UVC Disinfection Robot

Working Principles of UV Disinfection Robots

sanitizing robot
Disinfectant Robot

UV disinfection robots are highly-efficient, which is very important in a healthcare setting where even the slightest mistake can have drastic effects. The working principle of UV disinfection robots is their use of UV-C light, which uses a short wavelength to kill the microorganisms that make people sick.

These robots typically feature several UC-V lamps, the emissions of which are pretty intense. They are so strong that they can usually cover an entire area (meaning they can disinfect any room they are set loose in). Disinfection robots are also equipped with robust sensors, which prevent them from exposing people and animals to UV-C light.

The advantages of using UV disinfection robots are limitless. They can save maintenance personnel a lot of time and effort, and they are also much less likely to make mistakes or miss spots in dire need of disinfection. These robots are also relatively cost-effective, as they limit the need for hiring more than a few manual cleaners. UV disinfection robots are also very effective. They are designed to eliminate up to 99.9% of bacteria, so any hospital that uses one is bound to be squeaky clean.

Features of UV Disinfection Robots

disinfection and sterilization robot
Sanitization Robot

As one might expect from such an innovative sci-fi invention, UV disinfection robots have many unique, high-tech features. One of the features that makes them so popular is that they are completely autonomous, so that they can disinfect a room on their own without human supervision. They are also relatively user-friendly, so you should have no trouble programming the robot to do exactly what you want it to do.

These robots also come with real-time monitoring and recording capabilities, meaning users can operate them from a distance if they wish to. This feature, in particular, is helpful for those working in more extensive facilities like commercial hospitals. The remote control feature is also fun to use, and it is super convenient because you can control the UV disinfection robot from a distance. Such as the Reeman UV disinfection robot series, with an independent cloud service platform, can be remotely navigated deployment with no personnel mobilization on-site, which is both safe and saves time and effort.

Furthermore, UV disinfection robots come with some essential safety features. UV-C light can harm humans, so these robots must not emit it while actual human beings are in their presence. Some UV disinfection robots have sensors that can detect people who are nearby. If they detect someone nearby, their UV-C light emission will be automatically turned off to keep them safe.

UV disinfection robot for hospital
Disinfecting Hospital Rooms

Benefits of Using UV Disinfection Robots in Hospitals

Hospital-acquired infections (otherwise known as HAIs) are a surprisingly common problem. This issue is that hospitals are somewhat chaotic. There are medical emergencies to be taken care of and panicked family members to console. There’s not really any room for error in hospitals, but humans are, unfortunately, prone to error. This is why utilizing the help of a robot is necessary!

There are some benefits to using UV disinfection robots in hospitals and other healthcare facilities. First of all, they are incredibly efficient. Whereas it might take a human maintenance worker an hour to deep-clean and sanitize a hospital room, it might only take a UV disinfection robot five minutes. This can help hospitals save much time and ensure patient rooms are adequately cleaned and sanitized between patients.

UV disinfection robots can also help to reduce hospital-acquired infections. Dangerous pathogens and bacteria can linger in the air for quite some time, but UV disinfection robots will surely nip them in the bud. By reducing HAIs, these robots can help prevent patients (or family members) from getting sick while they are in the hospital — which is always lovely.

You will likely see many cost savings if you use a UV disinfection robot or two in your healthcare facility. They are an investment at first, but they reduce the need for extended hospital stays and additional treatments (because they reduce HAIs, of course)! This, in turn, is sure to lead to increased patient satisfaction and unloading the burden of dealing with HAIs off the shoulders of the hospital’s staff members.

Considering all of the benefits of UV disinfection robots, it is surprising that more hospitals haven’t implemented them yet. They keep hospitals safe and clean for patients and staff and take on a good chunk of the work that the hospital cleaning staff has to deal with. We recommend that every hospital get at least one of these helpful little bots!

reeman uv disinfection robot
Robot UV Light Sanitizer


UV disinfection robots are still relatively new, but you will likely start seeing them in hospitals and healthcare facilities more often — especially as technology advances. The implementation of these robots in healthcare settings has been very exciting, and it’s an excellent investment too. It feels good knowing that these robots are doing what is necessary to help keep hospitals clean and sanitary for staff and patients.

UV Disinfection System for Hospitals

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Reeman, derived from the word “reinforce” (REE) and “human” (MAN) Intends to enhance human capabilities. Let robots help humans everywhere and add infinite possibilities to life.

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